Category: Manheim Online

How much should you pay for the car online? We have the tool for you!

April 20, 2020

Car pricing research is a process. You might start by looking on websites like CarsGuide and Autotrader to get an idea of how much a car you are interested in is worth, based on the sellers price. Of course, all cars are priced at the discretion of the seller so each vehicle will be either higher or lower than the one previous. If you see the car you want at a price that suits your budget, this obviously is...

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Buying Online at Manheim – how to register, bid and buy

March 22, 2020

All Manheim auctions will be conducted online only, until further notice. Physical auctions will now be held as Simulcast only and BidNow auctions will be scheduled according to need. If you are unfamiliar with our online platforms, we have created a guide to make it easier for you to buy online. The first step is for you to register to participate in auctions and sales at Manheim. How to register Click register on our homepage....

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The 10 secrets to help you buy a car online

November 27, 2019

Buying online is not a foreign concept to the everyday person. With eight out of ten Australian’s shopping online, it is the way of the future. But what about buying cars online? According to the Cox Automotive 2019 Car Buyer Journey study conducted in the US “the most frequent tasks performed online include searching for vehicles, finding trade-in value, getting information on incentives and securing credit/financing. When it comes to the more transaction-oriented (and frustrating) steps like...

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How to inspect a car online – buying with Manheim Online

August 22, 2019

We understand buying online requires confidence, so at Manheim, we grade our vehicles so buyers can easily understand the level of vehicle quality. These grades allow buyers to buy online with confidence using the Manheim Condition Report and our grading system. In a recent blog, we explained what the grading score means for each vehicle, which you can read here. But how are these grades determined? In short, the grades come from the Manheim Condition Report,...

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Buying online – Manheim Online’s star rating

August 14, 2019

Buying cars online can be a daunting process and making informed decisions is an important part of the process. Manheim Online aims to make the method of buying online as easy as possible, so you are buying the right car for your needs. Manheim’s star rating system on all Manheim Online vehicles is pathing the way to help you with these informed decisions. Cars located around Australia are added to the Manheim Online platform so...

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Buying cars online at Manheim

July 30, 2019

Online shopping is the way of the future, and it has been like this for decades. Now we are so comfortable with buying online, we have even started buying our cars online.   Online shopping has been part of our lives for many years. We started off buying small, low-value items but as we have become increasingly comfortable with the concept, more and more of us are now making significant purchases online.   So much...

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