Shitbox Rally – Spring 2019: Meet the Team P.T 3

October 23, 2019

The Shitbox Rally officially finishes tomorrow! As the adventure continues, we want to showcase some of the drivers taking part in the Shitbox Rally – Spring 2019 event, starting in Melbourne and heading for Townsville via Birdsville.

So what is the Shitbox Rally?

Well, you can find out more about it here, but essentially it is a road trip from one iconic Australian destination to the next in cars worth $1,000 or less (shit boxes) to raise much-needed funds for cancer research.

For 2019, it is the 10th anniversary for the Shitbox Rally events so Founder, James Freeman, and the team are taking on the outback in Australia, not just once, but twice, in two different Shitbox rallies, read more here.

So let’s highlight Team Crash Carts, the women from Townsville.

Kia said: “Chris and I are both Nurses on a Surgical Ward at the Townsville Hospital. Day in and day out, we care for people who are either receiving the “Big C” news or who are in the midst of their battle with the disease.

It is hard for it not to make an impact. In addition to this, we have both lost people personally and have friends and family that are survivors. It is at work that we get to see the impact that The Cancer Council has, not only on research but in providing accommodation and much needed support to patients and their loved ones during a time that is so stressful. On our travels we are most looking forward to visiting Noccundra.

We had never heard of this place, and when we looked it up, we saw that in 2006 it had a population of four but now it has a population of three. The town isn’t going to know what hit it when 550 people arrive.  We are also very eager to have a beer at the iconic Birdsville Pub. We can change a tyre, check our oil and top up the windscreen fluid, but that is about as far as it goes. The support crew are going to be put to the test with us.  Dad has made us pack duct tape”.

The rally kicked off on Saturday, October 19 and finishes in Townsville on Friday, October 25. The auction to sell the Shitbox rally cars will be on Saturday, October 26 at 10:00am at Manheim Townsville. See the cars on offer, please click here – or for more on the event, please go here.

Manheim is a proud supporter of the Shitbox Rally!