Buying online – Manheim Online’s star rating

August 14, 2019

Buying cars online can be a daunting process and making informed decisions is an important part of the process.

Manheim Online aims to make the method of buying online as easy as possible, so you are buying the right car for your needs.

Manheim’s star rating system on all Manheim Online vehicles is pathing the way to help you with these informed decisions.

Cars located around Australia are added to the Manheim Online platform so to set the vehicles apart we have created the Gold, Silver and Bronze star rating categories.

These categories make it easier for you to differentiate between the lower value vehicles and the higher valued vehicles.

So let’s have a look at these three star ratings:

GOLD – the gold rating is given to a car holding the most value and is the highest grade in the condition report. Gold vehicles are marked 1 or 2 in the condition grades and mean they are high-quality vehicles.

SILVER – the silver rated vehicles are in medium condition and rank around 3 and 4 on a condition report. These vehicles sit in the middle of the range in our grading system.

BRONZE – The bronze rating means the vehicle is graded at a 5, which is the lowest condition grade. These vehicles are good value.


What do the grades mean?

Highest awarded grade.

Some minor imperfections may exist, for example, minuscule dents or minor scratches that require SMART repairs.

These will be recorded on the Condition Report.

Second highest awarded grade.

The vehicle may require repairs as Grade 1 plus up to two body shop repairs.

These will be recorded on the Condition Report.

Third highest awarded grade.

Vehicle may require repairs as Grade 2 plus may require major or minor repairs.

These will be recorded on the Condition Report.

The vehicle may require repairs as per Grade 3 plus numerous additional major

and minor body shop repairs. Examples of major repairs may include a door mirror repair

and paint or a bonnet repair and paint.

These will be recorded on the Condition Report.

A combination of major or minor repairs may be required exceeding that of grade 4.

These will be recorded on the Condition Report.

Vehicles are classified as ungraded when they have not been inspected.

This occurs when a vehicle falls into one of the following categories:

  • 10 years old or more
  • 160,000 KM or more
  • Defects identified exceed the criteria of Grade 5

With Manheim’s new Vehicle Grading, you now have a better understanding of the condition of the vehicle you are purchasing. The grading and star system helps you to make the right choice when it comes to buying online.

What is Manheim Online, please click here to read our last blog on buying online.