Shitbox Rally – Autumn 2019: MEET THE TEAMS PART 1

May 7, 2019

The Shitbox Rally is set to kick at the end of this week. As the adventure continues, we want to showcase some of the drivers taking part in the Shitbox Rally – Autumn 2019 event, starting in Perth and heading for Sydney via Uluru.

So what is the Shitbox Rally?

Well, you can find out more about it here, but essentially it is a road trip from one iconic Australian destination to the next in cars worth $1,000 or less (shit boxes) to raise much-needed funds for cancer research.

For 2019, it is the 10th anniversary for the Shitbox Rally events so Founder, James Freeman, and the team are taking on the outback in Australia, not just once, but twice, in two different Shitbox rallies, read more here.

Anyway, let’s look at Team Bucket List first!

This team will be driving a 1986 R31 Nissan Skyline Ti, which they purchased for $500 off Facebook Market Place (see below).

“Each year on the drive home from the rally we start thinking of next year’s theme and after just finishing the Frozen movie theme we were stumped and thought how will we top this. It ended up being a couple of months later that I said due to this being the 10th anniversary of the rally I think we should put photos from every year’s group shots, for example, the morning photos on the car,” said owner of the Skyline.

“It was after thinking about it a bit more we thought every major anniversary you have a party and photos recalling all of the fun times that lead you to where you are today. It was then that the idea was truly born, we wanted to give something back to James and all the boxrallies team for all they have done over the years. Without James’s pure dedication to see this through it might not have gone past a couple of year’s maybe. There really is not a way that we could ever thank James enough for what this event truly means to all of us and what better way to honour his achievements,” they continued.

So what Team Bucket List did, was spend 80 hours downloading all the photos to do the design and printing for the car. Then it took over 20 hours to wrap the car from top to bottom in these Shitbox Rally photo memories.

Some who take part in the rally often buy their own car or the public have the opportunity to buy themselves.

“Those who know me well know my passion for cars and that I have trouble letting any go, we are not going to rule it out as it still has to make it first, but you never know. My grandfather was absolutely in love with the event and what we do, being a cancer survivor himself but unfortunately after beating many types of cancer, it was that dreaded disease itself that took him from us a couple of weeks ago. Every car we did up he just had to come down in person to see. Unfortunately, with this car he was already in hospital at the time it was finished so could only see photos and much to our delight he was able to see our Facebook live video from the pub night and saw the unveiling to James. So it makes this one a very special rally for us and the car itself”.

The rally kicks off on Wednesday, May 8 and finishes in Sydney on Friday, May 17. The auction to sell the Shitbox rally cars will be on Saturday, May 18 at 10:00am at Manheim Moorebank. See the cars on offer, please click here – or for more on the event, please go here.

Manheim is a proud supporter of the Shitbox Rally!