Cox Automotive Australia announces a ‘Women with Drive’ challenge based in New Zealand!

March 22, 2019

Women with Drive (WWD) exists to celebrate the work of women in the automotive industry. It is an inclusive movement built to support female achievements, aspirations and successes, with a ‘think big’ attitude and a space for every voice.

WWD originated at Cox Automotive’s global HQ in Atlanta, USA in 2015 as an initiative to support a key Cox Automotive value of diversity and inclusion. Launched locally in 2018, Cox Automotive Australia is proud to be taking the WWD program to new heights with the 2019 WWD New Zealand Challenge.

The Cox Automotive Australia WWD Challenge will take place in the picturesque south island of New Zealand (NZ) from Sunday, March 31 to Saturday, April 6 2019. Ten ambitious females from across the Cox Automotive Australia brands have been selected to join CAA HR Director, Snezana Jankulovski on a trip that will challenge them both physically and mentally.

Activities will include mountain biking, trail hiking, helicopter rides, kayaking, jet boating and icy plunges into alpine lakes. Participants are also confronted with mystery tasks to test the boundaries of both mind and body.

“The Women with Drive New Zealand Challenge was originally inspired from our UK Cox Automotive business who took on Mount Kilimanjaro last year to inspire and empower the women within their business. This challenge will push our team of women out of their comfort zones and motivate them to push past barriers. We will be faced with challenging tasks daily, but it will teach us all resilience, how to lead as a group and I am sure the challenge will bring out even more of the strength the resides within us,” said CAA HR Director Snezana Jankulovski.

As part of the challenge, Cox Automotive Australia is on a mission to raise much needed funds to support UN Women, a charity that supports women and girls to promote empowerment and gender equality by working on key projects worldwide to achieve their priorities.

The team on the WWD challenge have a goal to raise over $7,500 for their selected charity and supporters are kindly encouraged to donate to the cause and help the girls in their fund raising efforts.