Shitbox Rally celebrates 10 years!

November 1, 2018

We are back again for another Shitbox Rally! Not sure exactly what that is? Well, you can find out more about it here, but essentially it is a road trip from one iconic Australian destination to the next in beat up cars (shit boxes) to raise much needed funds for cancer research.

But, 2019 is a special year for Founder, James Freeman and the team, it is the 10 year anniversary! So to celebrate, Shitbox is going to take on the outback in Australia, not just once, but twice not just once, in two different Shitbox rallies.

The first Shitbox Rally for 2019 will be the autumn edition held from May 8 to May 17, starting west in Perth and travelling to Sydney via Uluru, the first 10-day experience for the 10th anniversary!

Then spring will see another rally on October 19 to October 25, starting in Melbourne and heading up north to Townsville via Birdsville.

A massive 2019 ahead for the Shitbox Rally, and if you were hoping to join, both rallies are already oversubscribed.  All is not lost though as you can add your name to the database here to get into a future rally.

Twenty eighteen was a massive success for the fundraiser with a total of $1.974million raised, however, the team has set the bar even higher for 2019 with a goal of $2million for each rally! You can find out more about the autumn and spring rallies here.

As supporters of the Shitbox Rally, this year Manheim assisted by hosting the departure of the rally at our Brisbane site and then auctioned off the cars driven during the journey at the end of the event in Darwin.

The result? As Founder and Rally Director, James Freeman, said “The Darwin auction was by far the best auction we have ever had in Shitbox history… the Darwin team were excellent as were the lads that flew up from Manheim Brisbane”.

As an end result, all the cars were sold and a total of $39,825 was made just from the auction, with the cars on average selling for about $330.

Manheim started working with the Shitbox Rally in 2011 and since then $15.6 million has been raised for cancer research.

Since the beginning of the Shitbox Rally event until now, the total number of teams participating in each event has grown to around 250 teams who have the same passion as James Freeman, to assist in raising money for the charity.