The car rally making a difference towards cancer research

May 3, 2018

Excuse the language, but the annual Shitbox Rally is coming up! This year the course starts in Brisbane heading for Darwin on Saturday, May 19 with the aim to finish on Friday, May 25 – that is a crazy 3,800km road trip.

What is Shitbox Rally you might ask? Well, it isn’t a race, it is a challenge for those taking part to drive a vehicle worth just $1,000 across a selected part of Australia. But they don’t take the freeways or the easy roads, no they travel on the outback roads or as Dad might call it “the back way”.

This journey definitely isn’t for everyone, but if you like adventure, experiences, camping and getting your hands dirty, then this is for you!

Teams that register are in charge of finding their own car worth no more than $1,000, and it is up to the team of two to get creative and make their car the most memorable of the event.

The rally is held to raise much-needed funds for the Cancer Council. But how does this happen? Well, the Shitbox Rally not only gets donations from each driver and their friends and family but at the end of the journey, Manheim auctions off the rally cars with all the proceeds going to the Cancer Council.

Manheim started working with the Shitbox Rally in 2011 and since then $11.5 million has been raised for cancer research.

Since the beginning of Shitbox Rally event until now, the total of teams participating in the event has grown to around 250 teams who have the same passion as the founder, James Freeman, to assist in raising money for the charity.

Not only is Shitbox Rally a lot of fun for everyone involved but is a great way to give back and support cancer research.

The auction for Shitbox Rally cars will take place on Saturday, May 26 at the Darwin Showgrounds (in the Ray Foskey Pavilion). The auction will begin at 9:30am and conclude at 1pm, cars can be viewed before the auction at 9am. All vehicles must go with all funds going to the Cancer Council! For further details, please visit