Kids Under Cover Cubby House Challenge

March 28, 2018

Manheim’s charity partner, Kids Under Cover (KUC), recently held their annual Cubby House Challenge at the International Flower and Garden Show in Melbourne.

For those who don’t know what Kids Under Cover do, they support vulnerable and disadvantaged youths to ensure they don’t end up homeless. By providing scholarships and studio homes for these young people, KUC make a huge impact on the local community.

Each year KUC call upon leading builders and architectural teams to build Australia’s best cubby houses. During the International Flower and Garden show KUC showcased these cubby houses for the adults to admire and the kids to play on.

On Thursday, March 22 all five cubby houses went under the hammer with all proceeds going to KUC to help prevent youth homelessness.

As a result, all five sold and raised $70,000! Along with the auction of the cubby houses, there were some awards presented to the builders and architects. The first award for ‘Australia’s Best Cubby’ went to Rocky Road.

Rocky Road. Picture:  JAM3D

The ‘Best Architecturally Designed’ cubby was awarded to Heads Up. Picture: JAM3D

The Eyrie won ‘Best Interior Designed’ cubby. Picture: JAM3D

The other cubby houses included Block Party and The Dream Catcher.

Block Party. Picture: JAM3D

The Dream Catcher. Picture: JAM3D


A great result for Kids Under Cover, a charity Manheim has been supporting since 2006. Manheim supports the KUC Donate Your Car ® program. Cars donated as part of Donate Your Car ® are auctioned at Manheim’s sites across Australia with proceeds going to KUC.

Since beginning the partnership with KUC together we have raised over $8.4 million to help fund scholarships and build studios for young people at risk.

If you would like to donate your car to KUC, please click here to read more on how you can make a difference.